
The Significant 6

Upper School Priorities


Course outcomes:

Students experience a fun, interactive workshops, lasting 2 or 3 lessons long and customised to your requirements and objectives. This is stress free for your teachers offering a fully loaded programme featuring 6 very significant health & wellbeing priorities. Designed for upper secondary age students studying for their qualifications, the delivery is the main part of or package, with a licence for 1 year to supporting videos, lessons and resources.

Topics covered:

  • Taking Control: Chaos isn’t productive!
  • Motivation v’s Discipline: What is a winning attitude?
  • Studying Effectively: Developing good study behaviours
  • Incremental Improvements: ‘Forget about perfection, focus on progression’
  • Responding to Feedback: Austin’s Butterfly Theory
  • The Bigger Picture: Creating a resilience plan


Up to 55 per session
2 or 3 workshops per day (1.5 to 2.5 hours each)
Emotional Health & Wellbeing, Revision Skills, Anxieties
Sleep lesson plan, parent video, online resources
Optional motivational staff workshop & parent seminar